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Tips for Effective Online Teaching

Dear TEDU members,

We have started Online Teaching as a new experience in our professional lives. Considering that it is the first time for many of the teachers and almost all of the students experiencing it in their lives, the quick and easy adaptation process is definitely a success story. While some of the teachers might be experts in using many tools, as Center for Teaching and Learning Unit we have decided to put together some documents including links, videos and short articles with the hope of helping teachers who might consider benefitting from them.

This document aims to put together tips for teaching online under four main headings; online teaching in general, online tools we can use in our lessons, general teaching tips, and miscellaneous topics such as working at home or time management. We would be very happy to hear from you too. You might share your experiences if you use any of these tools or any others which are not listed here. We might also create a discussion platform where we help each other by sharing the problems we experience and the possible solutions we come up with for ourselves, with the hope that it might be a solution for someone else too. As stated by Ryunosuke Satoro, “individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean”.



1. Tips for Using Zoom

The following document and video include tips for Using Zoom under headings such as tips for virtual lessons, tools built into Zoom for engagement, and additional resources.  

2. How to be a Better Online Teacher: Advice Guide

This guide offers advice on how to make your online pedagogy effective and satisfying including 10 essential principles and practices of better online teaching, common misperceptions, and how to find help.

3. Technology and Higher Education

In this TED Talk, James Pickering, an academic in the field of anatomy as well as higher education with special interest in utilizing technology for better education, gives us his controversial insight into how future education should become.

4. Creative Assignment Ideas for Teaching at a Distance

This website offers a list of assignment ideas, offering ways of rethinking how students might meaningfully engage with course content when we teach them at a distance.

5.  City University of New York Learning and Teaching Center Educational Technology

This website informs the readers about the educational technologies to integrate into their online or face-to-face classes.

6. Conducting effective online discussions

This video highlights several strategies to help you manage online discussions more effectively and make them more beneficial for your students.

7. EdTech Teacher

This website aims to help educators, schools, and students during extended school closings through blog posts, resources and webinars.

8. Five Pedagogical practices to improve your online course

This link shares five pedagogical practices to improve your online course.

9. The Lenght of Online Classes

The following links present some bacis infromation about the lenght of effective classes. While they are actually prepared for 6-12th grade students, they still contain useful implications we can use. The Youtube video includes reasearch results as well.



1. Edpuzzle

Edpuzzle is a video platform which enables teachers to crop videos, record their voice explaining opinions or clarifying points as well as embedding quizzes. The following Edpuzzle tutorial video explains the different aspects of Edpuzzle 2018 and how to use it.  

2. Flipgrid

Flipgrid is a free program that will allow you and your students to post short videos online in response to different prompts, and to converse with each other via video. The following is a Flipgrid tutorial video.

3. Screencasting

This website introduces how to use screencasting to record lessons to enable students to watch whenever they need to review the course. It also provides personalized feedback to students similar to having a one-on-one conversation.

4. Mind Mapping

This website discusses how to enhance student study activities with mind mapping. Mind mapping, a visual representation of information, is a versatile tool that can assist students with many aspects of their learning.

5. 101 Web 2.0 Teaching Tools

This website presents a list of Web 2.0 teaching tools that will make a teacher's life easier. The categories are listed in alphabetical order and the links to each tool are also listed alphabetically within those categories.

6. Pedagogy Wheel

This website introduces The Pedagogy Wheel which is designed to help educators think – systematically, coherently, and with a view to long term, big-picture outcomes – about how they use mobile apps in their teaching.



1. Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy

This website introduces Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy which attempts to account for the new technologies and their impacts on the learning process as well as the behaviors and actions emerging as technology advances and becomes more ubiquitous.

2. Promoting Motivation, Health and Excellence: Ed DEci at TEDxFlour City

In this TED Talk, Ed Deci, a professor of psychology at University of Rochester and Co-Founder of Self-Determination Theory, describes two common forms of motivation; autonomous and controlled. He discusses the different results of each form and the implications for aspects of our lives; especially work and relationships.

3. Richard M.Ryan: Is Human Autonomy a Western Ideology or a Basic Need?

In this video Richard M. Ryan talks about autonomy and explains if autonomy is a western ideology or a basic human need.


1. 7 Steps to Balancing Family and Career in One Place

The following link gives 7 tips for balancing family and career while working at home. Suggested tips might be beneficial especially for work-at-home parents who face with a different set of challenges in creating healthy work-life balance.

2. Time management

This website lists the 18 most effective and most popular time management techniques you can start practicing to improve your productivity.

3. Mental Health and Well-being

This short video by Henriatta Fore, UNICEF Executive Director, gives some clues about staying healthy psychologically and dealing with anxiety by creating a well-being plan.  

The following list includes extra videos if you are interested