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English Proficiency Exam

The prerequisites to take the EPE are as follows:

1.     To have a device with Windows or Mac operating system.

2.     To install SafeExamBrowser software according to the operating system you have on the device you will use during EPE.  


3.   To have a second device (such as a smartphone, laptop, or tablet PC) with a working camera.

4.   To install the Zoom application on the second device whose camera you will use during EPE.

5.    To make sure you have a smooth data flow on your devices, to have a reliable internet connection. 

What is Safe Exam Browser?

Safe Exam Browser is a customised web browser environment to secure safety of online assessments. The software controls access to other computer resources like system functions, other websites and applications and prevents unauthorized resources being used during an online assessment. 

How to download and install Safe Exam Browser?

You can download Safe Exam Browser from SEB web page (

For users who have a Windows 7 device, please make sure to download “ Safe Exam Browser 2.4.1 - ”

After the download just start SafeExamBrowserInstaller.exe and follow the steps in the installation program to install the software.

After the installation if you start Safe Exam Browser on your computer you will see a page as below stating that “You have installed Safe Exam Browser, but it isn’t configured yet”. The configuration of Safe Exam Browser to start an exam within TEDU Moodle will be executed automatically with a configuration file that will be shared by your instructors before the exam. For further details, please follow the documentation on section “How to start an exam with Safe Exam Browser and Zoom Proctoring?”

How to start an exam with Safe Exam Browser and Zoom Proctoring?

To start an exam with Safe Exam Browser and Zoom proctoring please follow below steps. 

For the device you will connect Zoom proctoring session;

1)      Logon to TEDU Moodle from your second device with a working camera

2)      Click on the EPE course 2020F_SEPTEMBER_EPE (will be available before the exam)

3)      Find the Zoom activity within the course and click “Join” for the meeting scheduled by the proctor

4)      Make sure your speaker and camera is on

5)      Make sure the camera is positioned at a location so that the proctor can see your face, hands, laptop and the desk. An example of the correct position of the camera is as below 

For the device you will connect Safe Exam Browser and start the exam;

1)      Make sure to close all other collaboration applications (MsTeams, Skype, Discord, Whatsapp, Teamviewer etc.) on your Windows or Mac PC

2)      Logon to TEDU Moodle from a Windows or Mac PC from your regular browser

3)      Click on the course  2020F_SEPTEMBER_EPE

4)      Find the correct version of Safe Exam Browser Config file within the course and download

5)      Double click on the downloaded “SebClientSettings.seb” file

6)       Safe Exam Browser will start and ask for a password, please type in the password provided by the proctor within the Zoom session. (Note: you might require to enter the password twice)


7)      When Safe Exam Browser opens, you will see TEDU Moodle logon page

8)      Logon to TEDU Moodle

9)      Click on the  course  2020F_SEPTEMBER_EPE

10)   Wait for the time EPE online assessment will be active within Moodle and follow the instructions of the proctor.

11)   Start your EPE online assessment. Good Luck...!!!

For any issues please contact the proctor through the Zoom session.

If you have problems with accessing the Zoom session, please contact