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Frequently Asked Questions



  • How do I create a Zoom paid account?

Zoom accounts for faculty members will be created centrally by TED University Department of Information Technology and host licenses will be issued. Once your account has been created you will receive an email notification that your account has been created and you should activate your account within 30 days you receive this email.

All faculty members teaching within 2020 Spring semester will be assigned a paid account with Zoom.

RA’s and TA’s that are not assigned to a course within SAP will not be provided paid accounts. But basic/free accounts will be provided for them and they will be able to join the meeting as a participant and act as co-host if the host provides those privileges.  

If you do not receive an account creation email and require a paid account as a faculty member, please contact through the support chatbox on the support menu or send an email to



  • Do I need to create a Zoom account as a student?

For students, you do not need to create a Zoom account before participating in online classes. You will be joining online classes as a Guest with your name automatically synchronized with your TEDU Moodle account.


  • What is the difference between a free account and a paid host account?

For free accounts, meetings with more than 2 participants (including yourself) will be limited to 40 minutes. There is no limit on one-on-one meetings. For paid host accounts, there is no time limit on any meetings and 300 participants can join a meeting.

  • Can I use Zoom without Moodle integration?

For Faculty members, yes your Zoom account is also available to login from and can host separate meetings outside Moodle.


  • How long does my Zoom account provided by TED University will be valid?

Your account will be valid for 4 months starting with the 16th of March, 2020. Based on the progress about the COVID-19 outbreak further decisions will be taken by University management to extend the validity of accounts.


  • What devices can people use to connect to a meeting?

Meeting participants (including hosts) can connect using the Zoom app on Windows or Mac computers, iOS devices (e.g. iPads, iPhones) and Android devices.


  • I am having trouble hearing or being heard

Hover over the bottom of your Zoom meeting screen to make the meeting toolbar visible. If the far-left icon is a headset labeled Join Audio then you have not yet connected your audio. Click the Join Audio headset icon and select the Computer Audio tab to join by computer. You can click the Test speaker and microphone link from the Computer Audio tab to run a helpful wizard to be sure you are using the intended speaker and microphone devices on your computer. When your audio has been connected by computer the far-left icon will change to a microphone labeled Mute. You can click the arrow next to the microphone icon to re-test or change your computer audio settings.

It is advised to use a headset with a microphone during a meeting for not to be bothered by outside noise and be heard clearly by the participants.

  • There is a lot of static/echo on the line

Static/echo is almost always caused by two people in close proximity who separately join the same Zoom meeting with audio or even one person who joins twice with audio, such as by phone and Computer Audio at the same time. This creates a situation where there is more than one audio source being transmitted, received and then subsequently retransmitted by each audio connection respectively, escalating in a progressively intensifying back-and-forth that causes severe feedback. To avoid this, only one audio source should connect to a Zoom meeting when within an audio pick-up range of another, all other nearby audio connections should entirely disconnect from the Zoom meeting by leaving Computer Audio.


  • A participant can’t be heard or can’t hear others. What should I do?

Ask the participant to make sure the microphone is not muted (this would show up in the Zoom app as a red bar across the microphone icon). Ask the participant to click on the upward-facing arrow to the right of the Microphone icon and try choosing different devices for microphone (if you can’t hear the participant) or speaker (if they can’t hear you).


  • How can I learn more about Zoom?

Register for live training.  The Zoom team offers daily (Mon-Fri) 30-min Getting Started sessions with live Q&A.  Register here:

Access Zoom Video Tutorials to learn more. See

For Zoom Help Center see


  • Are Zoom meetings encrypted?

Yes. All Zoom meetings are encrypted by default. Meeting hosts have the capability to enable the end-to-end encryption setting to their meetings for an added layer of application security. Enabling this setting will force encryption across Zoom running on the desktop, mobile and Zoom Rooms, as well as for H.323/SIP endpoints except PSTN telephone. It will also force end-to-end group messaging (chats). For more information see


  • What to do if you see a white page when you click on Zoom activity in Moodle?

The white page means that you did not have configured the Zoom activity correctly. 


To edit the activity click the right arrow downward near the Edit option, then click Edit Settings. Select Zoom as Preconfigured Tool and save.


  • What to do when faced with "User does not exist or not belong to this account" or "Error Code 1001" after clicking on Zoom activity in Moodle?

This error means that there is a problem with your account activation. Either you have not yet activated your account used Google or Facebook account during activation instead of using the "Sign Up" option with your account. Please contact to get a new activation email and activate your account with the "Sign Up" option using your email. 


  • I have set a recurring meeting schedule but the start button is just available for the most recent meeting and not available for others.  

This is a normal system behavior. In the Upcoming Meetings section, the start button of the most recent course appears active. After completing the first of the recurring meetings then the next meeting's start button will become active.


  • How to share content during an online meeting?

During the online lesson, click the "Share Screen" button at the bottom of the screen, select the relevant content on the screen and start sharing.


  • How to assign co-host during an online meeting?

The co-host feature allows you to share hosting privileges with another user in a meeting. This can be useful to allow another user to manage the administrative side of the meeting, such as muting participants, chatting with participants or starting/stopping the recording.

Co-hosts are assigned during a meeting and cannot start a meeting. To assign a co-host open the participants window by clicking “Manage Participants” button. Mouse over to the participant you want to assign as co-host. Click “More” and select “Make Co-Host”.


  • How do I get an attendance report after an online meeting?

To get an attendance report for your online meeting. Go to the zoom activity in Moodle. Click on the "Previous Meetings" tab. Find the meting you want to get the report for and click on "Report" button at the right of the meeting.

The Meeting Report will provide the attendance details and the Poll Report tab will provide poll results. 


  • How do I merge my sections in Moodle to conduct online courses for several sessions at the same time?

To merge your sections within Moodle please follow the link for the required steps. 

  • How do I upload my online course recordings on Youtube as unlisted?

Please check the video on the below link on how to upload an unlisted video on Youtube.

Please make sure you have verified your Google account as it is only allowed to upload videos up to 15 minutes for unverified accounts. For further details about how to verify your account and allowed maximum size / duration of videos click

  • How to stop participants annotating during my presentation?

If you are sharing your desktop or content during your online class and participants are messing around annotating on your shared content you can disable annotation for participants by clicking on the three dots on Zoom menu bar and through the opened menu select "Disable participants annotation"


  • Students are not able to see my scheduled online courses at the right time?

If you have scheduled your online courses but students are seeing your online course at a different time the problem most probably is about your or the users' time zone. 

Please check your time zone as shown on the below screen and if it is not set to GMT+03:00 correct it. To make sure students also have the right time, please delete all existing meetings and then schedule them again with the right time zone setting. 

If you already have the right time zone, then ask the student to check its time zone.

  •   How do I assign an alternative host to my scheduled meeting?

You may want to assign an alternative host to your meeting so that the alternative host can also start the meeting even if the original host is not available. For this, within the "Schedule a Meeting" screen on Moodle Zoom activity scroll down to "Alternative Hosts" option and write down the alternative hosts TEDU email account. Please make sure that the host also has a paid account. 

  • My computer's sound can not be heard by students when I share a video. How can I share my computer's sound?


To share your computer's sound so that participants can also hear the sound of the video you are presenting, please ensure that you check "Share computer sound" box during sharing your screen. 


  • For students, what is the difference between joining an online course within Moodle or by clicking the meeting link/entering meeting ID from Zoom application?


The only difference between joining an online course from Moodle or by clicking the shared meeting link/entering meeting ID is for attendance reports. If you join an online course from Moodle your full name and email address is reflected to the attendance report automatically. On the other hand,  if you join a meeting by clicking the shared link or entering meeting ID you are asked to type a "Guest Name" and the guest name is defaulted  as your computer's or mobile device's name. If you are not careful enough to change this with your full name, the attendance report may show your name different such as "Samsung" or "Umut's Computer" etc. and it may not be possible for the faculty member to understand if you have joined the class or not.